Why are so many people flocking to the 

cold waters? 


Cold water therapy is used to soothe a wide range of physical ailments as well as increase metabolism, improve circulation, reduce stress, enhance longevity, and so much more. 

Mental Resilience

With each cold plunge, our bodies adapt to the brutal temperatures. This practice builds discipline and resilience. It's important that we do hard things on purpose to keep bodies and our minds sharp.


There is power in writing something down. THE COLD PLUNGE MOVEMENT offers space and prompts for you to record both your mental and physical journey with cold water therapy.

Uncover the tremendous benefits of cold water therapy and learn how to get started. Track your cold plunge practice progress through a logbook and reflective journal for a more fulfilled life. Get uncomfortable and do hard things on purpose.

Share your story

We want to feature your story! Contact us with your cold plunge journey for a chance to be featured here or in our newsletter. If chosen, you will be contacted with a request for images.

Cold Plunge Short Sleeve Next Level T-Shirt

Embrace Discomfort Long Sleeve Next Level T-Shirt